A devoted wife and mother to the end, St. Monica provides us Christians a wonderful image of the importance of prayer for our children and those in our family. She first asked God for the salvation of her husband who wasn’t a believer. He died a Christian, converting just a year before his death. Likewise, her son, St. Augustine wasn’t initially a Christian. However, St. Monica never stopped praying for him and that the Holy Spirit would work in and through him. According to many who knew her, her prayer and fasting were unceasing. Of course we all know the end to the story: St. Augustine became one of the greatest leaders of Christianity.
Following this example, it makes sense that one of the best ways for us to mediate a little more on St. Monica and the importance of her story for our lives today (and commemorate her day on August 27) is to continue praying for those around us. For those of us who are parents, we can take up the task of more faithfully praying for our own children and their faith, asking for God’s will to be done in their lives. While we know it isn’t prayer itself that brings those in our lives to the living waters of Jesus Christ, we still go through the important act of carrying our things to our Lord, just as he has instructed.

Prayers for Our Children
It is for this reason that we, as Lutherans, can especially appreciate the significance that prayer has in the story of St. Monica. God commands us to pray and to pray for the things that we desire and that are important to us. Of course, the wellbeing of our friends and family ranks high on that list. Therefore, it is right and good that we pray for those around us and for the conversion of them and the whole world.
One such Lutheran who especially took this command to heart was the eighteenth-century German Lutheran theologian and pastor, Johann Friedrich Starck. Famous for his prayer books, Starck took it upon himself to help his parishioners fortify their prayer lives, providing them with prayers for almost every circumstance they could encounter. His books are still used today and are certainly worth including in your repertoire.
His Motherhood Prayers for All Occasions is especially helpful for women and mothers and includes many prayers for all the occasions they might find themselves in. While these might not be the same exact prayers that St. Monica said, they channel the same ideas. Like her, we can join the company of all believers with our prayers, asking God to look after those in our life and to work through us in any way that he desires. While we encourage you to access the full copy of Starck’s Motherhood Prayers and to make this resource a central feature of your prayer lives, the prayer below is a copy of one such petition that we can bring before God, praying for our children just as St. Monica did.
Prayer of Godly Parents for Their Children
O Lord, almighty God, Father of all grace and mercy! Behold, among other gifts of Thy grace Thou hast also given me children, for which I praise and bless Thee with all my heart. But oh, my God, when I look upon my children as precious pledges which Thou hast placed in my keeping, which Jesus had redeemed with His holy blood and Thou hast received as Thy children in Holy Baptism, oh, I am filled with anxiety lest through my fault one of them should be lost. Thou sayest to me and all parents: Keep this child; if by any means it be missing, then shall thy life be for its life. Therefore, O Father of all grace, I come to Thee, and present before Thee my children. I shall do for them what I can, but the best part must be done by Thee. Oh, bless my children; be their companion in all their ways; keep them in Thy holy fear, that they may never offend and grieve Thee by gross sins, or being injury and shame upon themselves. Grave upon my children’s heart the name Jesus; let Jesus dwell in them and sanctify their hearts, that they may never lose their gracious God and a good conscience. Guard them against being misled by evil company; remind them at all times by Thy Holy Spirit of Thy most holy presence, that they may bear in mind that Thou art with them at home and abroad, by day and by night, in society and in solitude. Let Thy angel go with them in all their walks, and guard them when they are traveling in foreign parts in the business of their calling. Give them at all times Thy angels for companions as Thou didst to young Tobit; rescue them from danger by Thy angels, as Thou didst Lot; let them, like Jacob, enjoy the angels’ protection.
If it should please Thee to put upon me a cross though the death, sickness, or misfortune of my children, give me patience in such an affliction, and let me bear in mind that nothing can happen without Thee. Thou hast the right to take from me the children which Thou hast given me. If Thou wilt take my children to Thyself in death, in order that I may be roused to love Thee alone, oh, keep me, while walking this thorny path, trusting and hoping in Thy almighty power, being assured that, as Thou canst do all things, Thou art able also to end or mend my children’s cross.
Bestow upon my children also Thy temporal blessing; provide for them, nourish and cherish them, give them food and clothing, and deal with them as a faithful Father. Be their Helper in danger, their Succor in affliction, their Physician in sickness. Give them a good heart, a good intellect, and a sound body, that they may live before Thee and honor and praise Thee. Give them an obedient and humble heart; let them grow up under Thy blessing, that I may have comfort and joy in them.
O God, hear my prayer, and remember that they are Thy children as well as mine; therefore let my sighings in behalf of my children ascend to Thy throne of grace, and hear them. On the last day let me with all my children stand at Thy right side, and say to Thy praise: Behold, here I am, my God, and the children which Thou gavest me; I have lost none of them. Yes, my God, grant that none of my children may perish, but that they may enter into Thy glory with me, and I with them.
Never from Thy pastures roving, Let them be the Lion’s prey; Let Thy tenderness, so loving, Keep them through life’s dangerous way. Then within Thy fold eternal Let them find a resting-place: Feed in pastures ever vernal, Drink the rivers of Thy grace. Amen.