A Double Portion of the Spirit

June 14th is when the Church celebrates Elisha, once God’s prophet in the Northern Kingdom. Elisha’s prophetic ministry began when the prophet Elijah found him working the fields one day. He threw his cloak around Elisha’s shoulders, and Elisha understood this gesture as a prophetic invitation, said farewell to his family, and followed after Elijah.
Elisha spent years at his master’s right hand until Elijah departed to heaven in a chariot. Before he left, Elijah inquired of Elisha what he would ask of him. Elisha requested that he receive a double portion of the Spirit, a request that was granted to him. As Elijah was carried off into heaven, his cloak fell, and Elisha picked it up, stepping into his calling as prophet.
During his time as a prophet, Elisha performed many signs through the Spirit, prefiguring Christ and his ministry on earth. He multiplied the oil of a poor widow so that she would have means to provide for herself and her sons, healed a sick young man and later raised him from the dead, and did many other mighty acts during the reigns of kings Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, and Jehoash in Israel.

A Brief History
Often, we remember the saints on the day in which they entered into glory, but because we don’t know precisely when Elisha died, his day is placed thematically at the end of the Paschal cycle, right around Ascension and Pentecost.
If you are familiar with the Pentecost narrative of the New Testament, then you might already pick up on the resemblances of Elisha’s own story to the final days before Christ’s Ascension. Elijah and Elisha represent a type of Christ and the apostles. When Elijah ascends into heaven, Elisha receives the promise that the Spirit will rest on him. Similarly at Pentecost, the Spirit comes and fills Christ’s apostles with his word. Elisha’s ministry on earth foreshadows that of the apostles who had walked with Christ and, having received the Spirit, carry on his preaching in their proclamation and signs.
For this reason, Elisha’s commemoration was placed at the end of the festival season and continues to teach us more about the continuity of God’s work of salvation through all of time – from the Old Testament into the New.
Below we include a link to the Rev. Dr. Burnell Eckardt’s article on Pentecost, but we think it’s fitting to include an excerpt here:
“We know this wind, for this is the whirlwind that carried Elijah to heaven in a chariot of fire with horses of fire, when he cast his mantle upon Elisha. Behold, the mantle of Christ was this day cast upon his holy Apostles also in a whirlwind, and with fire. For there appeared unto them tongues, like as of fire, because fire has always accompanied the divine inauguration of great men of God. Was there not a fire at the burning bush when Moses was chosen? And was there not fire when Elisha was chosen? Is it not fitting, then, that there be fire when the Holy Eleven are chosen. And fire also signifies judgment, the judgment and wisdom of God. And this fire was spread by the whirlwind of Pentecost to all eleven Apostles, and beginning this day they went forth preaching everywhere.“
You can find the story of Elijah passing the prophetic ministry on to Elisha in 2 Kings 2:1-14. We encourage you to read through some or all of his story on his commemoration day to learn more about his life of faithful service to God!

O Almighty God, who hast knit together Thine elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of Thy Son Jesus Christ, our Lord: grant us grace so to follow Thy blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to the unspeakable joys which Thou hast prepared for those who unfeignedly love Thee; through the same, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost: ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Enjoy a tasty and creamy “deadly” stew recipe to celebrate St. Elisha day! This is a single pot meal inspired by the story of Elisha purifying the stew and is sure to please.
Gottesdienst article by the Rev. Dr. Burnell Eckardt
Issues Etc. interview with the Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden
Propers found in Daily Divine Service Book: A Lutheran Daily Missal, edited by the Rev. Heath Curtis
1. Weedon, William. Celebrating the Saints. Concordia Publishing House. 2016.
2. Gottesblog post by the Rev. Dr. Burnell Eckardt, 2020.
3. Issues Etc. Interview with the Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden, 2017.
1. Elijah Taken Up to Heaven in a Chariot, Paul Gustave Doré, France, 1866.
2. Elisha Raising the Shunammite’s Son, Benjamin West, England, 1766.
3. The Calling of Elisha, Jan Massijs, Belgium, 1572.
Beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to write this blog!
Thank you!