Augsburg Confession Cheatsheet
One of the most significant Reformation events, the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession in 1530, was an opportunity for Lutherans to lay out the changes they had made in their practice of Christianity and give scriptural evidence for them. Like many of the most significant political and religious events of the sixteenth century, the Augsburg Confession is closely related to many of the other events, drama, and characters of the Reformation era. Thus, having some of this contextual information available and ready while reviewing the Augsburg Confession’s text can be helpful for all Lutherans, especially those who are interested in Lutherans’ confessional background.
Below you’ll find a printable guide that takes some of the information we shared in this blog post and provides a concise summary of the history of the day. First you’ll see a summary of the events surrounding the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession. Below that you will find a timeline that puts a couple of notable people and events in chronological order. Finally, there is a closer look at three of the main players at the presentation: Luther, Melanchthon, and Emperor Charles V. Of course, we also wanted to include our sources, which would make for fantastic additional reading on the topic if you’re so inclined.